IAB Tech LabDocs

Programmatic Guides

Everything you need for a smooth implementation

Details for developers Guidance for ops Overview for the rest of us

Welcome to the documentation center for: Programmatic Guides

IAB Tech LAb's Programmatic Guides are a sort of "cook book" that outlines all the components, standards, and available resources to help you connect all the working parts of a given system. These guides belong to the community, people who are in the weeds in ad tech and have learned what works best and what doesn't. If you have a suggestion for a new programmatic guide, or any edits for an existing guide, please email support@iabtechlab.com. You can also fork your own copy of the files and submit pull requests for edits, or create an issue to start a discussion. If you want to get involved and are interested in membership, please email membership@iabtechlab.com.


Prepare, deliver, and measure ads in CTV with highlights for SSAI

Ad Fraud

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